(Kerajinan Tangan dan Kesenian Or Karya Tepung Kami)
Owner: Hutami Pudya Mulyani (Tami) and Sri Wahyuni (Yuni)
Date established: April 27, 2010
Product Type: knick-knacks, accessories, and other art-based flour.
Price: Price depends on the level of complexity. For while the prices offered ranged from Rp Rp.5000, - up to Rp.20 000, -
Contact Person:
- Tami (085214080536/tamidibuitenzorg @ gmail.com)
- Yuni (085694981213/yasta.23 @ gmail.com)
Maybe some of you do not think if the KTK products made from wheat flour. KTK products are made from wheat flour, but it certainly can not be eaten because it was mixed with glue so that it can be formed into various knick-knacks, accessories, and other art items. KTK product pure hand-made, do not use machines at all, so the price offered was suitable and affordable in your pocket.
For those of you who have your own design, you also can order the KTK in accordance with your design. We will not reproduce articles from your design, so exclusivity goods also awake.
In addition, we also accept orders in the form of souvenirs marriage. Designs can be from you or from us. Prices start from Rp.2000, -, the minimum order is 100 pieces.
If you are interested in becoming entrepreneurs like us, you can cooperate with us to become a distributor. Please contact Tami or Yuni at the contact numbers listed above.
This are Our Product... check this out...
wow keren2...lucuuu.... ^_^
BalasHapusemm kira2 daya tahan'y brp lama yaa???
hrs order,ga bs eceran gt?
emm bwt kalung'y udh termasuk tali atw blm?
makasih retno..
BalasHapusdaya tahan produknya lama, walau terbuat dari tepung, hasil jadinya mengeras dan kuat karena dicampur dengan bahan-bahan lain...
eceran juga bisa sist...
sudah termasuk tali,jika berminat bisa menghubungi contact person yang di atas...
terimakasih atas komentarnya...
its cute, res... does the price as cute as the item ? ehehehe
BalasHapusif i wanna buy it, then i should call you ?
what material is it made of ?
Resty, Thank`s a lot ya honey.. :D
BalasHapus@Gita: Yes, of course.. the price as cute as the item.. hehhe it`s made it from flour and glue. iy you wanna buy on of it or maybemore, you can e-mail me, yasta.23@gmail.com for subject: PESAN CLAY.
Thank You for your apreciate.. :)
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusnice tepung2an..hihi..
BalasHapusgw biasa bikin gorengan klo dr tepung,klo itu bs di goreng ngga mba?hehe...
anyway bagus koq itu kerajinan tangannya, klo bs itu lebih di publikasikan lagi biar ngalahin boneka apa tuh yg keluaran anak ipb jg, lupa saya..sukses ya sis..
BalasHapusyour question has been answered by the owner..
thanx for your coment..hehe...
always check this blog ok...
aminn.. mdh2n sukses...
Thanx y komentnya...
like this...
BalasHapusdari tepung..?
yg bener...
BalasHapusklo mw pesen kmna nenk..
BalasHapusiya, smuanya dari tepung dan dicampur dengan bahan-bahan lainnya...
berminat?? hubungi contact person di atas y...
trimakasih komentarnya...
untuk pemesanan bisa menghubungi contact person di atas,ok..
trimakasih komentarnya...
Wah, mudah2an bisa berkembang terus...